Thursday, August 9, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo day 9

Today's Word Count: 13,347

Today is the nineth day of Bookkeeper's OYANoWriMo writing project.

It's also the second day in a row that Bookkeeper's stayed up late to write only to be awoken early in the morning by a construction crew working nearby.

This will be fun to revise later.

But really, what Bookkeeper's learned as an artist applies here. You need to work on your project WHENEVER YOU HAVE A SPARE MINUTE. Even when you don't want to, or it's bad quality, or whatever. Otherwise you're not practicing art, you're practicing procrastination.

Guess what? The more you practice procrastinating, the better you'll get at it. :D

Bookkeper's four years in a row of failed NaNoWriMo novels are pretty good evidence of that.


No new characters showed up in this day of writing and the bookkeeper didn't really feel like drawing the king or queen. So instead of a reoccuring character, Bookkeeper doodled an idea for a Koboldin.

Wow her left ear is HUGE.

Reading over some of what she's written so far, Bookkeeper noticed another typo she makes repeatedly. So here's your parting "NaNoism" - enjoy!

Suddenly, it's VeggieTales!

...If you say it out loud, you'll sound like Goofy.

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